My little boy is 3 months old, 2 weeks ago! Making that actual age almost 14 weeks, but I really hate referring to his age in weeks. I make fun of people who are like, "He's 29 weeks." No. Your baby is 7 months old. That is all.
Anyway, I was just upstairs rocking lil Jackie boy to sleep and once again got lost in the waves of an emotional sea. Almost drowned.
This sea seems to be motherhood, and so many new feelings overwhelm me yet again. I weep tears daily I think. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around the perfection that is my little baby boy, he's so sweet and so real.
Every day he surprises me somehow and I have grown to look so forward to my days off for different reasons now. Days off once meant a chance to relax and run errands, perhaps clean the house a little, maybe do some shopping or have lunch with a friend.
Family Outing at the Neighbors BBQ |
Now days off are similar, I mean who doesn't love to have the day off, but even better are days off with no real plans made. No errands or appointments, just me and my sweet little baby. On our days of nothing we go for walks in the neighborhood, or maybe make up some activity to do, like go to the library and check out a book I don't have time to read, or like today, just a day to hold him for hours and revel in the snuggles. It's my favorite thing to do.
We just seemed to have gotten on a schedule of some sort, and it's Jackson's. He tells us when he's tired and we go by that. Easy enough, I guess. Actually, the "fake cry" I wrote about awhile ago has become his tired cry. We just couldn't figure out that at the time. Bedtime has become sort of a routine;
Jackie starts acting crazy and whiny, so one of us brings him upstairs, where we then turn on his white noise, a fan, and some music and lights for him to listen to and stare at in case he won't go down right away. Then we rock, and rock, and rock. We were religiously swaddling him up until the past few nights. He seems to be busting out of them, so it's probably time to transition to something else. He is definitely better at sleeping these days though, thank God. And here's some big news: he sleeps in his own room like a big boy! Most nights, that is. We decided to just leave him in his room one night after he fell asleep in there and he slept noticeably better that night, and so did we, so it seemed only logical to assume that we distract each other from a good nights sleep. I still wake up all the time to check the video monitor, and sometimes he still does end up in our room if we have a rough night but it sure is progress.
His old man/pout face |
My first Sunday back to work Cody was home all day by himself for the first time with the boy. I was wondering how it would go, not because I doubt his fathering skills in any way whatsoever, but because I was curious to see if he were surprised by how much work it is to try getting anything done other than tending to his needs. When I got home from work I was greeted with a happy baby and husband, and they were watching children's cartoon music videos sung in Spanish, How adorable. One of the first things out of his mouth was, "Well, I can see how you get nothing done some days." There you have it. The baby's never ending loop of eat, poop, play, fuss, and sleep is a demanding schedule after all.
2 seconds later |
All ready for college |
So I am still not very good at blogging on a schedule. I just don't feel like I have the time, or memory these days to write on and on about much. But I do like sharing the photos and cute moments that happen when I can recall them. Here are some new Jackson updates:
Jackie Likes:
- Being held in a standing position in your lap - he will stand right up! Strong boy.
- Music of all kinds! He loves being sung to, it puts a huge smile on his face.
- My hair - he grabs fistfuls at a time and holds on to it tight when he's snuggling and getting ready to go to sleep
- Paddington Bear, and his snuggly teeny blankie
- Watching lights - on the computer's screensaver, his crib soother, and his owl nightlight
- Nursing - yes, this seems obvious, but it's actually not. We had the hardest time nursing for the first two months until recently. I kept offering him the boob and he finally just latched right on right around week 9, and he actually seems to eat quite efficiently from it! He is gaining weight like a champ. That's a big deal in my book. I had given up so many times but kept pumping to keep my supply up so he could still have breast milk. Success!
The only dislikes I can think of that are different than the last time I posted, are that he hates being swaddled. Our Jackie boy is just the happiest sweetest baby ever. Except of course, for when he's not . Today was kind of funny - I was trying to get out of the house to drop him off before work at the babysitters, and he had a total meltdown about 20 minutes before we needed to leave. Basically he screamed every time I tried putting him down, and I needed to get our stuff ready for the day (there is SO much baby stuff that needs to be packed for the day - woah). So one of the places I put him was on his little activity mat, where he can look up while on his back and see toys hanging, and a mirror. Well, he saw his crying face in the mirror and was staring at it, and screaming at the top of his lungs the whole time. I just couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous it looked. He just got more upset I think, hahaha, good times.