32 Weeks Well. All I have to say is, one of the most weird feelings ever has to be the feeling of being extremely full, while at the same time starving. And that is all. |
Thursday, January 22, 2015
32 Weeks
Thursday, January 15, 2015
31 Weeks
31 Weeks |
That's so exciting to say. I can't wait!
Hello Baby |
We had another sonogram on Tuesday - 3D! This should be our last one as long as nothing crazy happens between now and March 15th. Our little guy is so cute! From what we could see, he has a cute button nose and big chunky lips, and...scarily thin cheekbones, and an ear growing out of his chin. Haha, just kidding. It's the umbilical cord (it better be). Those 3D ultrasounds are so cool but so weird at the same time. Our doctor thinks he looks like Cody more than me, but he also says they usually aren't totally accurate. We shall see.
The sonographer and our doctor both said our baby is pretty much perfect. His heartbeat is great, and he literally was tumbling through the doppler check. He is estimated at 3 pounds and 12 ounces, which puts him in the 45th percentile for his weight at this age. They said that is all healthy and appropriate, thank goodness. People keep saying to me that he's going to be a small baby, which worries me a little. The doctors aren't worried so that is reassuring. I don't want a huge baby but I also even more so don't want a teeny baby. A good 7.5 to 8 pounder sounds perfect to me.
So this just in - I have officially had it with people's comments. Maybe I need to grow a little thicker skin here, but really, what gives? I've come to realize that women just naturally compare themselves to other women. Typically though, these comparisons tend to happen quickly, quietly, and just float through one part of our brain, then leave without ever being voiced.
However, I think for some reason during pregnancy it all just comes out like word vomit. It's like a free pass some women take to make comments on another person's body and health, and it's mean!. Part of me honestly thinks that some women just really want to see you get obscenely fat too. I'm not kidding. Strangers especially. I was in line at Dunkin the other day and the barista started commenting snark all over the place about how she was double my size at 31 weeks. I was like..."um, where is my chai and why are you talking to me..."
It's as if I'm disappointing them by not being a bloated whale yet at this stage of the pregnancy. I should in fact be swollen and tired-looking and my baby is obviously going to be dangerously underweight if I'm not. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little, no one has really come out and said that. But it's implied, ohhhh it is.
I may be reading a little too far into it but it just seems super rude to comment on someone's body and their developing HUMAN (unless of course they are being asked for an opinion). So as I said in an earlier post...if you are one of the people who has said nothing but positive things to me like "Aw, you look great!"...and "he's going to be so cute and perfect!" thank you, it means a lot. I seriously can't wait to not be looked at up and down by people anymore in public. So I am sensitive. I really hope our guy ends up without that strong trait of mine. It's just a tough one to deal with all the time. I hope he is sensitive to others but not sensitive of himself. How bout that?
I just was looking for a picture in the mess of photos we have all over the house, and stumbled across one of Cody's old photo albums that his Nana put together for him. I've seen it before but not in a few years. So I got to see Cody as a baby...how cute. Actually it was a collection of pictures from his whole life, starting from his baby days til about age 25 I'm guessing. It was cool to see him change over the years from a goofy little chunker babe to toothy kid with a dyed blonde rat-tail. Then into an awkward jean shorts-wearing middle schooler, before entering into a mysteriously dark-looking, long-haired teenager (um, why did I not notice him then? So my type. Wait...it is weird to think about how good looking my husband was as a teenager?! OMG, what is happening).
And of course the last pictures showing the Cody I know now pretty much: clean cut, handsome, with that all around "nice guy" look to him (that never really changed in any of the pictures). I hope our little guy is just as cute and sweet as his daddy is. And he surely will be lucky if he gets his sense of humor. Here are a couple of the pics. I left out the awkward teenage ones for Cody's sake.
Awww, Baby Cody |
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Post Holidays & 30 Weeks!
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Cody changed out of his usual black tee shirt for this special photo of us at 28.5 weeks along. Fancy! |
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Sara being Sara. And yes. this was the week of Christmas. Not even a little snow til after New Years. |
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A rare quiet moment from my Mackie Dean. |
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29.5 weeks here. PJ pants are the highlight of my wardrobe nowadays. |
Let the 10 week countdown begin folks! Wow - we are finally here. I remember thinking this whole baby thing is going to get crazy real once we start counting down from 10 weeks. As people start purchasing stuff off our shower registry it really hits home. We soon will be parents! Aghhhh! I'm still hoping that the time goes by not TOO fast, but also that it doesn't drag. So...just go by normally time, okay?
So the last time I wrote I was crazy busy and the hustle and bustle of the holidays were upon us. They were great but as usual, pretty tiring. More so this year too because of the state I'm in. We had our usual absurd amounts of family Christmas parties to attend (four altogether this year, not counting the party we threw two weeks before Christmas - whew). Tiring yes, but it's always nice to see everyone. This year seemed to be more relaxed than others. Not a whole lot of attention put on gifts and lots of food, warmth, and laughter. The way it should be every year in my opinion.
It really felt like one of the best Christmases we've had in a long time. Also my sister and her boyfriend Dave stayed with us for a whole week, and they left just before New Years Eve. It was nice to have the company and helpers in the kitchen but I'm now glad to just have my quiet house back. Cody took down the tree the other day, which was kind of a bummer but oh well. At least I didn't have to do it, right?
Dave is an amazing photographer, and he was nice enough to take some shots for us while they were here.
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Christmas Eve at Aunt Linda's |
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