Sunday, May 1, 2016

Spring Has Sprung


Jack's Favorite Thing

                                       Warm Weather Projects: Commence!

Our shabby entrance - before. We planned on getting this cleaned up 2 summers ago...right before we found out I was prego. Jackie is finally on a decent, predictable nap schedule (for now...) so we have time to get some of this stuff done...YAY!

We built a wall and added some plants. Next move is to paint that porch.

After! What a difference. I have a moon garden in mind...a magical place to sit quietly and admire nature in the moonlight. Lots of white and silver plants and candles. Now I just need to figure out how to stay awake after darkness...

"Hi Mom. Better hurry up and take this picture before I launch myself off the couch!"

What a stinker.

We officially have a toddler. He is huge.

Taken just a few moments before a huge flailing tantrum when I tried removing him from this swing to go home. Oh, Jackie.

Voted! He looks scared...and I don't blame him.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Happy Birthday Jackie!

Fun with Pops

The birthday cake.
I doubled the butter on accident. It was a good mistake.

Well our little Jackie Boy has made it to the big ONE!

It has been quite a year. My due date was actually on this day one year ago. I was too busy on his real birthday to write this so it only seems fitting that I do it today.

We are truly (and literally) stepping into toddler-hood over here at the Law residence. Jackie started walking about 3 weeks ago and has been busy getting into stuff and asserting his independence all day long ever since. So basically 24/7 my job is to make sure he doesn't maim himself. And that, surprisingly, is turning out to be QUITE a job.

We've continued to baby-proof the house, and it's a huge pain in the ass. I now know why some people baby-proof and some people don't.

Who has time for all of this? I can't even think straight most days let alone figure out this crap. Baby-proofing is a huge headache. When one little task like screwing in cabinet clips sounds so easy, it really takes like two hours (Saturday hours!), and lots of sweat and swearing to accomplish, I think. I say I think because we never actually accomplished it. We decided it was too much of a hassle and went with a seemingly easier magnetic lock to install on the drawers and cabinets. And it was still a pain in the ass. And don't get my started on the baby gates.

Remember when I was pregnant? Everything was so much easier..

I could just sleep all day if I wanted, and not feel bad....I had so much time...and such rested, dark circle-less eyes...just sitting around, planning for lil' baby to come! Ahhh, those were the days...

I was so concerned with my baby registry and all the stuff. ALL the stuff that in that moment just seemed so perfect to get for baby. Like if you had "this" and "that" the baby would just be healthier and better than other babies, and life would be somehow easier. The cute little outfits all freshly washed and folded and put away so neat and sweetly. Somehow that is just how my brain took it all in at the time.

In reality though....there is none of that.

In reality there is a teething monster upstairs who is probably going to wake up every hour tonight and yet again make me question my sanity in the middle of the night ("What time is it? When did he get up last? WHY is this HAPPENING???!")

And in reality all that baby stuff that seemed so necessary is all getting lent to my cousin and anyone else who will take it, just so we can have a little breathing room in our house. THERE. IS. STUFF. EVERYWHERE. Baby stuff. Toys. Clothes. Binkies. Diapers. Poo.

There is no more sleep all day if I want. There is no more sleep in. There is no more easy. I look like hell all the time now and some days I feel like it too. And all I smell is poo, all day long! With Jack eating all solids now, plus the stinky dog and two cats....ugh. Poo Central.

Welcome to the Laws.

And on another note, coming up are some super sweet pictures of Jack's first birthday bash, and from Mimi and Pop's visit...they came all the way up just for his big day. Fun was had by all. It was a great celebration of Jackson's first year. There were so many kids! He is a lucky guy to have so many friends already, and we are lucky parents to have have the sweetest little smiley guy on our hands, poo and all! He is changing so fast all the time and making us wonder in amazement with proud smiles on our faces. It truly has been quite a year.

Jackie Likes:

All animals and their sounds
Blankies & Binkies
Elmo, Curious George, & Daniel Tiger
All Foods
Riding in his wagon
The vacuum cleaner
Remotes, Phones, and all things Tech

Jackie Dislikes:
Not getting his way
The blender

Giggles with Mimi and Emmy!

Not really awake yet. And not so sure about the hat.

Birthday stare-down with Grandpa

So dainty with his cake, but loved the plastic balloon cake-topper

Kilian! My BFF Caitlin's son, exactly 4 months younger than Jackie. They came for the party all the way from Connecticut. These two WILL be friends, regardless of whether they like each other or not.


Monday, January 11, 2016

10 Months - Lots Of Catching Up

Hey Little Guy....

Cheer up! I know you're probably pouting cause the leaves are all gone, it's freeeeezing outside, and you know you're growing up too fast, but that's okay! Growing up is cool! Lots of fun is still to be had my sweet little pea.

...And these are the things that go through my head upon going through Jackie's old photos; voicing over what he must be thinking and assuming he has thoughts like this....don't judge me. 

Whenever people see Jackson out and about (98% of the time - the grocery store), they always say "this is my FAVORITE stage, they are so fun."
And they are so right. That truth is exactly why I haven't been writing and documenting his crazy, quirky personality and monumental growth over the last few months. We've all been so busy lately. Outside of working (also very busy for both Cody and I), when we're home there is just no time for doing much else other than playing, eating, and sleeping. Times a thousand...on turbo-drive.

Big boy Jackie is such a much fun and such a sweet little human. He is so good-natured and funny. I can only imagine he gets some goofy dork traits from us.

So when Jackson goes to bed Cody and I try to enjoy a decent meal (and a bowl of  rice and parmesan cheese counts as a meal sometimes, right???) and watch some tv and/or catch up a little. But we are usually in bed by 9 nowadays, and Jack's in bed by 7:30 usually. I must say some of the best advice someone gave me about being a parent is to just go to bed when the kids go to bed. Good advice, yes...but other options? I don't really see them, especially when said child arises like clockwork by 6:15 am. Every. Single. Day.

And every single day is a new adventure. To me, it can feel routine some days (eat, sleep, poop, etc...) but in Jack's eyes there is literally a new mountain to climb each day, and it is just as magical to him, and for me to watch. He is still working on walking; so very close it's getting scary. The other day I woke up and looked at the monitor and he was just standing up in his crib, waiting for us to greet him. That's the first time he's done that.

I have no other baby to compare him to here, but I don't think it's going to be very long before he's motoring around on his own. Currently he will let go of the furniture and hold one of our hands while we walk him around. And the walker Mimi and Pops got him for Christmas definitely has helped his balance. He loves that thing! '

The Happiest Baby To Ever Meet Santa

A rare cuddle
Oh, this is for me, huh
Getting very good at eating these days, if you can't tell!
Priceless Photo-Op
Those Thighs Though!

Christmas was just awesome. We got to finally visit the Laws in NC, and much to our surprise Jackie adapted super easily to all the changes...long drives, a new bedroom, and lots of excitement seemed to actually help him sleep and that was our main concern, was that he would be all "off." Lucked out there.

Christmas presents were spread out over a few days, thankfully...or Jackie would have lost it. On Christmas morning he was playing with his baby laptop from Mimi and Pops and got so excited he tried to take off his shirt! That's what happened according to Cody...I was asleep still so I missed it. What a funny mental image. By the time we opened gifts at my Mom's on New Years Day he really got the idea...wrapped presents were welcomed and he was like, "Oh, for me???!"

All in all the entire season was just such a blast...and Christmas has become even more magical again, now that we have a little one to delight. Next year should be awesome too cause he will actually get the idea a little bit more. Looking forward to his birthday coming up...I cannot believe this little chunk is turning one soon! 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Where has my baby gone???

Jack: "Mom, can you please go a day without taking my picture???" Me: "No."

the photo says it all. Jackson's a teeny man now, all grown up and ready for the real world. Somehow during the last month my little baby has grown up real quick. He is about 7 1/2 months old now, and he is getting SO big. If you didn't notice in the picture above, he does not fit into his shirt. I feel like he outgrows an article of clothing each day.

It's weird...this feeling of realizing that our baby won't be a baby forever. It is hard to imagine but exciting at the same time. I really feel like he still should be a little baby but he's getting to be a big boy, with his own personality and quirks and they grow with each day. Pretty soon he won't be a baby at all anymore, and it will be toddler time.

Seriously, w
here has the time gone??  

It seemed like overnight about a month or so ago he figured out how to flip like a madman and roll all over the place. We woke up one morning and he was just going nuts in his crib, all smiles. He is super eager to try to walk, even though he hasn't mastered crawling yet. He just scoots around on the floor, wiggling and flipping and trying to sit up. He still dislikes being on his belly, but will stay on it long enough to get into something, and especially will hang out if he sees the tv remote nearby. He likes when the tv gets turned on but doesn't really stay interested for long.

We have a chatty little baby on our hands. His favorite words are dada, baba, gah, and a general ah-ah-ah-ah-ah chorus all day long, mixed with squeals, laughter, and cries of protest.
Must. Get. Remote.
"This is really entertaining for you isn't it Mom?"

Oscar's best bud

The most beautiful boy I have ever seen.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

6.5 months

"He's a Jackie....He's a mover and a shaker and a Jackie! A Jackie Jackie! He's a dancer and a wiggler and a jiggler and a Jackie, A Jackie Jackie..."

That is the song we sing to Jackson and help him dance to. He always smiles as soon as we start and most recently has started swinging his head back and forth to it. He really is a dancer! Anytime music comes on he perks right up and is so entertained by me dancing to it...I think he is going to be a groovy kinda guy.

"May I please have some more Mother?"
Currently we are loving life more and more everyday. We went on a camping trip to Lewey Lake a couple weeks ago and he did amazingly well being away from home. Better than I can say for myself cause it was pouring all night and I just wanted to be in my nice warm dry home and he was just all partytime in the rain.

And little baby J is getting more and more 'tude along with each day. He makes this little stinkface I have yet to capture a photo of. It's a mixture of him scrunching up his nose and mouth and glaring at you when he does it. Very stinky.

He is also very vocal. He babbles, yells, protests, cries, scream-cries, sleep talks, and sleep cries (all off the top of my head, there is probably more) all day long. Not sure if we're accurate in this assumption but we think he may end up being an early talker. He really seems to want to say something when he uses his words...and to him I think he IS saying something...but to us it just sounds like jibberish.

J's sleeping arrangements on our camping trip to Lewey Lake. Looks comfy but
I was amazed he slept in a new bed so easily...what a good baby!

He can sit up most of the time without toppling over now, and can roll from his back onto his belly, a trick that is a big deal but to him it just seems frustrating because he refuses most of the time to roll from his belly to his back. I think he will get it soon enough but even just practicing with him is frustrating to watch. He gets SOOOO close to flipping and wobbles back and forth then just gives up and cries after a few minutes. He only does it when he's not trying, oddly a reflex or something.

The binky was in almost the entire day while camping.
I think maybe he felt out of his element or something,
and just needed some extra comfort.

So here's something funny...Cody is working late tonight and Jack is asleep.The house is quiet. I must admit I've been kind of looking forward to this moment all day, just because I was up with the baby last night a couple of times, and didn't sleep well in between his wakings. Then I got up way too early with him once he decided to start his day this morning...I am soooo tired. I have been tired for days, weeks, months, and sick the last couple of weeks on top of all of that.Yet here I am, spending the rest of my night thinking and writing about my sweet boy, watching him in the monitor and going through pictures and videos of him all the while. I mean, don't get me wrong, it is nice to have the time to myself to do this stuff and not have to entertain a baby 24/7. But you'd think I'd want to do something else, not baby-related with my time. Nope, apparently not.

The black shirts. Like father, like Son
Our anniversary is coming up though, and we booked a little getaway for the night at Niagara Falls yesterday. We're both really looking forward to getting away for a minute. Night after night of waking up all hours and never really feeling rested in the morning, and even sometimes feeling anxious about just going to bed in general (ya never know what the night may hold sometimes) has definitely taken it's toll on us. We've both been struck with a horrible cold that just won't go away and Cody swears he's twice a gray as before we had Jack. Ugh, I just miss sleep so bad. I don't wanna talk about it.

So we get away...we've earned it. And this trip is something we've been talking about doing since we were in the beginnings of our relationship, but just never got around to doing. We're only going for a night and leaving Jackie with my mom, so he'll be pretty content and it will be a short trip, but it'll be our first night away from him. I am wondering how we'll do. I have a feeling we'll be pretty eager to return to our little element here once we're away from it for 24 hours.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

To Action Jackson

What a big boy you've become in the last few weeks! Today at just over 5 and a half months old you are weighing in at 16 pounds, and 2 chunking ounces - WOAH! It seems like you went from three month old sized clothing pretty much right into six month. I tried a pair of new six month PJ's on you tonight and you looked so much more comfy.

 So I was planning on updating this after your next checkup in a couple of weeks but in all honesty you are keeping us so busy these days I really can only find time to do stuff like this when there is time -which of course between raising you, working, and trying to keep the house semi-clean, is hardly ever. So I will take advantage of your going to bed early tonight and do it now.

Mr Jackie, you are really owning it. Growing more of your own powerful personality with every passing day, and we don't wanna miss a second. The smiles you're always flashing at anyone who so much as looks at you are the most contagious things I have ever seen, you little ham.

One of your favorite things to do these days is just move, move, move. You are trying so hard to sit up on your own but you're still not there yet, which frustrates you and you demand someone's help with getting just a little boost. You can sit up for a good 30 seconds at least without slowly toppling over and as soon as we hold your arms and pull up you stand right up like a little tiny person- imagine that! You have actually been doing that for the past few months now, but the only difference between now and then is how much bigger your legs are and that you can actually walk with us holding on to you. Pretty soon you will be crawling...that is CRAZY!

You finally are big enough to rough and tumble with us and we are getting some really good use out of the wagon that PJ Green gave you back in February. I'm sure this will freak out the Grandmas when they read this but we actually tied Emmit's leash to your wagon and let him pull you around last loved it (and of course we were right there to make sure he didn't start running)!

You and Emmy are best buds these days too. You suddenly started paying attention to him this past month and giggle like a crazed old man whenever you see him. He loves you too but gets kind of freaked out when you touch him quickly or shriek. I have a feeling there will be a lot more laughter and dog-hugs in our future, as well as knock-downs, tears, and dropped dog treats of course. There is definitely no avoiding that.

 And let's not forget this milestone - you finally have figured out how to shove your feet into your mouth. In your eyes, this is a really big deal. You've been after those feet for months but I think your legs just weren't long enough til now.


 And then there is the sleep thing. Jackie, I really hope that we aren't over or under-thinking this thing too much. There is just no right answer. I feel like so much of my time is spent reading about baby stuff, sleep-related stuff, that it's becoming a huge waste of time. It has become completely apparent that you really DO NOT want to miss anything in life, and we've just accepted that. You are a cat napper and a night waker and that is's really not so bad most of the time; you hardly ever cry unless you're hungry or really tired. I really think we got lucky with such a happy boy, cause if you are going to be awake pretty much every second it really wouldn't be too pleasant if you were cranky much of the time.

And the sleep training; a lot of the sleep stuff I read about online keeps referring to "sleep training" the babies. I don't know what this means just yet, and I really don't want to find out. I feel like it will just result in us admitting once again, that you are in charge and we are just going by what you tell us to do. And that's fine by me. I mean, some nights you fight sleep for over an hour or so, and we have to take turns trying to coax you into sleeping (and it's sooo exhausting, and we snap at each other because we are both really tired out), and then there are the other nights when you just succumb to bedtime and go right to sleep. Good Bebe.

I am slightly afraid that we are creating a monster here but pretty much each and every night I either nurse you to sleep or Daddy gives you a bottle and you just pass out while we rock you simultaneously. Sleep trainers would shudder at the thought of our bedtime routine (yes, there actually are such things as said "sleep trainers"). Pssssh. OH well. In my eyes you are just a little tiny person and will only be this way for just a little time. If you need help getting to sleep that's okay, some of the best moments of my day, or week even, are spent in your peaceful little bedroom, rocking you and feeling your body get limp and heavy in my arms. I get to hold you and snuggle you and listen to your content, end of day sighs, and smell your sweet little head. It still smells so good.

When do you turn from a sweet chubby baby into a grubby, stinky boy-toddler? We shall find out in due time I'm sure. Until then I am enjoying each precious moment. Love you sweet baby boy :)  


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

5 Month Old Big Boy

Well our little big boy has had some fun tasting new flavors over the past couple of weeks, how fun! The first food he tried was oatmeal, which he really didn't seem too excited nor too displeased with. He just kind of rolled around in his mouth and spat most of it out. A week or so later we tried pureed sweet potatoes though, which he really took a liking to. Like, a Grab the spoon out of your hand liking, then Smear it all over everything and swallow some of it til it's gone liking, followed by a We're out of sweet potatoes meltdown! Hahaha. Good times. 

Little baby Jack just keeps on amazing me. He changes so fast. One day he is just still a teeny little baby full of cries and helplessness, then the next he is practically doing pushups and moving his head all over the place like a sparrow on the first warm day of spring to see what's out there. He really has gained such head control over the past couple of weeks. I thought he had a lot a month ago but apparently he still had some work to do. He can hold up that big noggin' for awhile now!

He still is just a teeny baby though. So sweet and lovey. I got to capture a sweet tender moment yesterday when I walked downstairs and caught Jackie and Auntie Sara napping together on the couch. She stayed with us for a night this week during a wedding planning trip. Her and Dave's big day is coming up and she had some loose end to tie up before then.

I must say I was kind of jealous in a way, because Jackie never really wants to nap with me like this anymore. Well, kind of. In the morning after he wakes up he usually eats and then eventually crashes in bed with me shortly after, but it's never really comfy. He just kind of hangs on me and sleeps on my arm and shoulder, then starts to wake up at about the exact same time I start to drift off into a deep sleep 30 minutes later. I miss the two hour afternoon mommy naps!

I just found some photos from last month too that I thought were worth posting on here. So these are when he was about 4 months old I think...too cute!

Grandma Jones and Jackie

