What a big boy you've become in the last few weeks! Today at just over 5 and a half months old you are weighing in at 16 pounds, and 2 chunking ounces - WOAH! It seems like you went from three month old sized clothing pretty much right into six month. I tried a pair of new six month PJ's on you tonight and you looked so much more comfy.
So I was planning on updating this after your next checkup in a couple of weeks but in all honesty you are keeping us so busy these days I really can only find time to do stuff like this when there is time -which of course between raising you, working, and trying to keep the house semi-clean, is hardly ever. So I will take advantage of your going to bed early tonight and do it now.
Mr Jackie, you are really owning it. Growing more of your own powerful personality with every passing day, and we don't wanna miss a second. The smiles you're always flashing at anyone who so much as looks at you are the most contagious things I have ever seen, you little ham.
One of your favorite things to do these days is just move, move, move. You are trying so hard to sit up on your own but you're still not there yet, which frustrates you and you demand someone's help with getting just a little boost. You can sit up for a good 30 seconds at least without slowly toppling over and as soon as we hold your arms and pull up you stand right up like a little tiny person- imagine that! You have actually been doing that for the past few months now, but the only difference between now and then is how much bigger your legs are and that you can actually walk with us holding on to you. Pretty soon you will be crawling...that is CRAZY!

You finally are big enough to rough and tumble with us and we are getting some really good use out of the wagon that PJ Green gave you back in February. I'm sure this will freak out the Grandmas when they read this but we actually tied Emmit's leash to your wagon and let him pull you around last weekend...you loved it (and of course we were right there to make sure he didn't start running)!
You and Emmy are best buds these days too. You suddenly started paying attention to him this past month and giggle like a crazed old man whenever you see him. He loves you too but gets kind of freaked out when you touch him quickly or shriek. I have a feeling there will be a lot more laughter and dog-hugs in our future, as well as knock-downs, tears, and dropped dog treats of course. There is definitely no avoiding that.
And let's not forget this milestone - you finally have figured out how to shove your feet into your mouth. In your eyes, this is a really big deal. You've been after those feet for months but I think your legs just weren't long enough til now.
And then there is the sleep thing. Jackie, I really hope that we aren't over or under-thinking this thing too much. There is just no right answer. I feel like so much of my time is spent reading about baby stuff, sleep-related stuff, that it's becoming a huge waste of time. It has become completely apparent that you really DO NOT want to miss anything in life, and we've just accepted that. You are a cat napper and a night waker and that is it...it's really not so bad most of the time; you hardly ever cry unless you're hungry or really tired. I really think we got lucky with such a happy boy, cause if you are going to be awake pretty much every second it really wouldn't be too pleasant if you were cranky much of the time.
What. |
And the sleep training; a lot of the sleep stuff I read about online keeps referring to "sleep training" the babies. I don't know what this means just yet, and I really don't want to find out. I feel like it will just result in us admitting once again, that you are in charge and we are just going by what you tell us to do. And that's fine by me. I mean, some nights you fight sleep for over an hour or so, and we have to take turns trying to coax you into sleeping (and it's sooo exhausting, and we snap at each other because we are both really tired out), and then there are the other nights when you just succumb to bedtime and go right to sleep. Good Bebe.
I am slightly afraid that we are creating a monster here but pretty much each and every night I either nurse you to sleep or Daddy gives you a bottle and you just pass out while we rock you simultaneously. Sleep trainers would shudder at the thought of our bedtime routine (yes, there actually are such things as said "sleep trainers"). Pssssh. OH well. In my eyes you are just a little tiny person and will only be this way for just a little time. If you need help getting to sleep that's okay, some of the best moments of my day, or week even, are spent in your peaceful little bedroom, rocking you and feeling your body get limp and heavy in my arms. I get to hold you and snuggle you and listen to your content, end of day sighs, and smell your sweet little head. It still smells so good.
When do you turn from a sweet chubby baby into a grubby, stinky boy-toddler? We shall find out in due time I'm sure. Until then I am enjoying each precious moment. Love you sweet baby boy :)