Monday, January 11, 2016

10 Months - Lots Of Catching Up

Hey Little Guy....

Cheer up! I know you're probably pouting cause the leaves are all gone, it's freeeeezing outside, and you know you're growing up too fast, but that's okay! Growing up is cool! Lots of fun is still to be had my sweet little pea.

...And these are the things that go through my head upon going through Jackie's old photos; voicing over what he must be thinking and assuming he has thoughts like this....don't judge me. 

Whenever people see Jackson out and about (98% of the time - the grocery store), they always say "this is my FAVORITE stage, they are so fun."
And they are so right. That truth is exactly why I haven't been writing and documenting his crazy, quirky personality and monumental growth over the last few months. We've all been so busy lately. Outside of working (also very busy for both Cody and I), when we're home there is just no time for doing much else other than playing, eating, and sleeping. Times a thousand...on turbo-drive.

Big boy Jackie is such a much fun and such a sweet little human. He is so good-natured and funny. I can only imagine he gets some goofy dork traits from us.

So when Jackson goes to bed Cody and I try to enjoy a decent meal (and a bowl of  rice and parmesan cheese counts as a meal sometimes, right???) and watch some tv and/or catch up a little. But we are usually in bed by 9 nowadays, and Jack's in bed by 7:30 usually. I must say some of the best advice someone gave me about being a parent is to just go to bed when the kids go to bed. Good advice, yes...but other options? I don't really see them, especially when said child arises like clockwork by 6:15 am. Every. Single. Day.

And every single day is a new adventure. To me, it can feel routine some days (eat, sleep, poop, etc...) but in Jack's eyes there is literally a new mountain to climb each day, and it is just as magical to him, and for me to watch. He is still working on walking; so very close it's getting scary. The other day I woke up and looked at the monitor and he was just standing up in his crib, waiting for us to greet him. That's the first time he's done that.

I have no other baby to compare him to here, but I don't think it's going to be very long before he's motoring around on his own. Currently he will let go of the furniture and hold one of our hands while we walk him around. And the walker Mimi and Pops got him for Christmas definitely has helped his balance. He loves that thing! '

The Happiest Baby To Ever Meet Santa

A rare cuddle
Oh, this is for me, huh
Getting very good at eating these days, if you can't tell!
Priceless Photo-Op
Those Thighs Though!

Christmas was just awesome. We got to finally visit the Laws in NC, and much to our surprise Jackie adapted super easily to all the changes...long drives, a new bedroom, and lots of excitement seemed to actually help him sleep and that was our main concern, was that he would be all "off." Lucked out there.

Christmas presents were spread out over a few days, thankfully...or Jackie would have lost it. On Christmas morning he was playing with his baby laptop from Mimi and Pops and got so excited he tried to take off his shirt! That's what happened according to Cody...I was asleep still so I missed it. What a funny mental image. By the time we opened gifts at my Mom's on New Years Day he really got the idea...wrapped presents were welcomed and he was like, "Oh, for me???!"

All in all the entire season was just such a blast...and Christmas has become even more magical again, now that we have a little one to delight. Next year should be awesome too cause he will actually get the idea a little bit more. Looking forward to his birthday coming up...I cannot believe this little chunk is turning one soon! 

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