I must say, pregnancy is kind of boring while at the same time being the most exciting time ever. A new person that YOU MADE is just cookin' away, kickin' away, and makin' you feel weird. You can't do anything fun like go on roller coasters, eat any your favorite foods, or stay up all night partying. Booooooring. But, soon enough this little thing will make it's debut...forever changing life as you know it, and from what everyone always says, vastly improving it in more ways than you ever could think possible.
But til then we must wait.
Patience is something I really have never had much of. Hopefully once I have a child to raise, that will change...? Should be interesting.
Our 20 week sonogram is on Halloween, next Friday, exactly 10 days away, but whose counting. I am about to explode with anticipation, exitement, and nerves. All I have on the brain is babybabybaby. It's been that way pretty much the entire pregnancy anyway so far, but exponentially more over the past few weeks. We finally get to see our little baby again and check on it's development and find out whether we're having a boy or a girl. Can't wait!
All I can do is just think positive healthy thoughts and stay busy. I ask the universe/god/whatever you call it every night just for nothing but a healthy baby and the ability to handle whatever life may throw at me these days. It seems to help with my anxiety a little...and the baby kicks getting stronger and stronger of course really makes me happy and reassured that our little one is healthy and happy too. Staying busy over the next week shouldn't be too hard, since I picked up a few extra shifts at the spa, so that's good.
Cody and I have started "nesting." Or maybe I should say I have started nesting, and he is going along with everything I want to avoid any kind of crazy hormonal pregnant lady fights, haha. So far we refinished a dresser in a light robin's egg blue and it is SOOOOOO adorably precious. It was Cody's beat-up old dresser that he brought to our first apartment, and actually - come to think of it, he used up until last year. I always picked on him for still using a little boys dresser (it's super small) but am now stoked that we held onto it and get to use it all over again.
Also we bought a dishwasher a couple of months ago at a great price from Lowe's and my dad just finished installing it last weekend. It looks awesome and seriously will be a huge help. It was something I've wanted for the past two years. They just make life so much easier, especially when you are like me and can't stand to look at piles of dirty dishes on the counter. Nesting is kinda fun.
Another topic - everyone's favorite question to ask me is - "Any names picked out?" And the answer - yes. Lots of them. I actually started a baby name list years ago, way back when I couldn't even fathom the idea of spawning off any kids. It just has always been fun to think about names. So on my list right now are about 20 boy names and 20 girl's. And they are all irrelevant in Cody's eyes, since he won't play the name game til we know what we're having. CodyNoFun...that should have been his name.
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