Wednesday, February 18, 2015

36 Weeks

We left the bed in the room. Figured it would be nice to have the option of sleeping in here sometimes if the baby wants company. My brother gave us a sweet bassinet which we put in our room, and the crib is in the baby's room. We plan on using the bassinet first for sure.

Pretty sure Otto thinks we have made him his very own room.
 I love how restful and calm the baby's room looks. It is really coming along. And thank goodness, cause we are really getting close to D-Day now!

Good news? I went back to the doctor yesterday and they did an ultrasound. We learned that while it's still too early to re-check his growth, they did confirm that my amniotic fluid looks great, the heartbeat is great, and the fact that he is moving a lot is great. So the doctor said while he is going to keep an eye on me and the baby's growth just to be on the safe side in a week or so, everything looks good right now. He made a point of saying a few times that the baby is still in the normal range for weight and size. So I am basically taking this as meaning no news is good news.

 And the not so great news? Baby boy is breech, still (they discovered that last week, but I think I forgot to put that in my last blog post). Soooooo, we got scheduled for a C-section on March 11th. EEK. That is exactly three weeks from today.

Sheeeesh that is crazy. Even though I have been obviously preparing for the birth of my baby for the last nine months, just hearing that there's an actual date on his arrival (assuming he continues to be stubborn and stays breech) has some sort of shock to it. Like, "you will become a mother on this day," instead of "sometime in March you will have your baby," because everyone knows how unpredictable labor can be, especially a first one. I was just assuming it would be one big surprise.

So March 11th, we might be having a baby. I am SOOOOO excited, but really scared of having surgery too. I know there are hundreds of C-sections done daily, but still, it is scary. The idea of getting cut open and awake laying there...ugh. I don't really want to think about it. But then again, the idea of having a vaginal birth that could go on and on for hours, maybe even days, is also scary. At least the surgery is quick! For some god-awful reason we watched one on YouTube the other day and it literally only took a few minutes. The stitching up part is the longest part of the surgery actually.

Cody and I have been busy around the house getting ready for the baby's arrival. Just kind of organizing, trying out our new baby gear, and wrapping up some projects around the house that have needed to be done forever. Babies are good motivators to get shit done! I am happy to report that the broken towel bar in the bathroom is finally replaced, and the ancient electrical outlets in the main rooms of our house have been replaced with new ones that actually fit our plugs. Yay Cody! It is cute to see him nesting right along with me in his own way, and the never ending lists I give him are not getting scoffed at. Like I have said so many times before, he is a good sport.

Gotham needs him. 
 For Valentines Day he even went above and beyond what I expected (pretty much nothing) and picked up the most adorable present for me. Well, actually it's technically for the baby, but since that's all we can think about right now and the baby is inside of was a gift for me. He got Baby J a little outfit and this adorable Batman bib, which we promptly tried out on Mack. He looks so proud.

Oddly enough, I also got Cody a Batman outfit for the baby, along with a shirt that is adult-sized for him. Apparently though, people at work are starting to refer to Cody as "Batman," so I should probably lay off buying him anymore stuff like that before things really start to get out of hand.

Do you ever know someone who has a lot of the same stuff in their house? Like, I have an aunt who used to have an entire kitchen themed around watermelons. I'm not kidding, watermelon stuff was EVERYWHERE. I think that theme was probably made a little too noticeable because of all the watermelon stuff people kept giving her once they realized she had an appreciation for watermelons and folk art. Or who knows...maybe no one gave her that stuff, and she is just one nutty watermelon hugger. Anyway, my point is - we don't want Cody to be that guy.

I had to get this in two sizes because it was just. that. cute.

Pretty much every time I go shopping in a place that's not the grocery store, I end up buying more adorable baby clothes. I just can't stop. Today at TJ Maxx I found a fuzzy sweatsuit-jammie-outfit- thing on clearance for ten bucks and had to buy it, even though it was a three month old size. It will obviously be too big for him right away. I just figured, winter temperatures can drag on around here til May, and we can always put him in clothes that are too big here and there. And what the hell, it was only ten bucks!

The baby's teeny tiny clothes in his teeny tiny closet. We had a diaper raffle at the baby shower. I  now understand why the extreme couponers feel the way they do about their stockpiles. 
This needed to be photographed, because you know it's not going to stay looking like this for long once he is here! 

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